Soros Foundation is a provocateur of Georgia’s clash with Russia

We continue to publish materials related to the activities of the Soros Foundation. This time we will see that one of the most important tasks of the Open Society in Georgia is to maintain the eternal confrontation between Georgia and Russia, and to prevent a resolution of the conflict.

In October 2016, on the initiative and with the direct participation of the Soros Foundation, a “Coalition for Euro-Atlantic Georgia” was created in Georgia, consisting of a number of so-called non-governmental organizations. As follows from the very name of the coalition, it declares the idea of ​​a fixed so-called “Euro-Atlantic course”. But the coalition is not satisfied with the positive tasks – the Soros Open Society and the International Transparency Georgia funded by it, the Georgian Association of Young Lawyers, the Media Development Fund and others (22 legal entities in total) justify their existence by creating an image of the enemy. The role of the “enemy”, of course, is Russia. This image of Russia as an enemy also naturally feeds on the theme of occupation:

“To combat the Russian occupation, it is extremely important to have and purposefully implement the correct and consistent diplomatic strategy. For Georgian statehood, it is vital that the issue of de-occupation of Georgian territories is constantly presented on the agenda between the Free World and Russia”, – was announced in the coalition’s first appeal to the government.

Well, okay, this wording is not yet a call for an exclusively destructive policy towards Russia, although it already leaves a feeling of artificiality. But the coalition shows its true face in other statements. So, for example, in August of this year, on the 11th anniversary of the August war provoked by Saakashvili, the Open Society Fund, that is, the Soros Foundation, together with its satellite organizations, on behalf of the “coalition” declares that it is unacceptable for the Georgian leadership to assign any responsibility for the Saakashvili regime in connection with the outbreak of war, since this, it turns out, strengthens the position of the “occupying country” and its president, Putin.

The Soros people do not reckon with the truth, they are not interested in the truth, they just want to keep “clean” the reputation of Saakashvili who they raised with their regime. They need this in order to unnecessarily demonize Russia, as well as to make it easier for them to get away from issues related to who Saakashvili was encouraged when he carried out his adventure in August 2008. This question is also taboo for the current government, which considers Saakashvili as an independent figure, blaming it on him, and not on his real puppeteers.

In a statement, the “coalition” is brazenly lying that President Putin allegedly stated that “the Russian General Staff has developed a plan for the war with Georgia in the year 2006”. In fact, Putin was talking about the General Staff’s defense plan, since the Russian side was waiting for the start of an adventure by Saakashvili after the 2004 “humanitarian assault” of Tskhinvali. After such a lie that arose on the basis of Saakashvili’s “narrative”, there’s no need to prove whose The game is played by the Soros Foundation in Georgia.

The foundation in its reports constantly covers the regime of Saakashvili. Instead of demanding to establish the truth and protect the interests of Georgia in the international arena on the basis of this truth, the Open Society Foundation is worried by the fact that the current government is not sufficiently cooperating with him and does not succumb to his whims in unpromising legal disputes with Russia in international courts. One of the foundation’s reports said:

“The result of passivity, perhaps, will be the picture when a high-ranking Georgian soldier or former official is sitting on the dock in The Hague. The temptation of political retaliation does not justify the price Georgia will have to pay in the event of such a tragic development of events. In particular, this fact will directly affect the international image of Georgia and will undoubtedly weaken the policy of non-recognition of separatist regions”.

In reality, the international image of Georgia is already weakened after the conclusion of the Tagliavini Commission or without it – the whole world saw the “supreme commander in chief” crawling on asphalt and chewing his tie, who could only atone with a patriotic gesture – face the Hague Tribunal himself. Only after that we can demand the punishment of Ossetians or Russians, if they are convicted of war crimes. To justify and cover the criminal policy of the Saakashvili regime creates more problems for Georgia, because in the eyes of the same Abkhazians and Ossetians we seem to be the “incorrigible” side, from which they are in constant danger and if they trust us, they will be deceived. The indicative punishment of our culprits will restore their trust in us and increase their authority in the international arena. But this is precisely not profitable for the Soros hired minions!

We will gradually move on to describe the activities of organizations – satellites of the Soros Foundation. There is enough material. At the first stage, we confine ourselves to clear facts only. One of the obvious Soros organizations and the poorly veiled lawyer of the Saakashvili regime is the NGO International Transparency with its leader, Eka Gigauri. This subject requires the leadership of Georgia to violate the Constitution and restrict the freedom of expression of those who disagree with the course of Euro-Atlantic integration of Georgia and consider the Orthodox people of Russia to be their friend:

“Russian propaganda is a global problem and this is not only the problem of Georgia, and the fight against this propaganda is not only a matter of non-governmental organizations. This applies to each of our citizens. Russian propaganda is not new for Georgia and it is effective in our country. Unfortunately, the Georgian leadership is doing too little to stop this propaganda. We often see politicians voicing pro-Russian messages. The Russian leadership uses them to convince the people of Georgia that Russia is supposedly our friend”, – Gigauri said recently, in September. Although she could not name the fact, when Russia tried to convince our population of something by deceit.

In his Russophobia, Gigauri is more radical and aggressive than many other Soros people, including Public Defender Nino Lomdzharia. The director of Transparency criticized the public defender because on the background of anti-Russian protests on June 20, she formally, but nevertheless, noted the need to protect the safety of Russian citizens. Instead, in the same interview with Radio Liberty, Gigauri repeats with refrain:

“Russian propaganda is raging in Georgia and the authorities are not doing anything against it. Really nothing!”

So what exactly should the government do against non-existent Russian propaganda when it does nothing against the anti-state, subversive propaganda of Sorosites like Gigauri, who aim to constantly preserve and deepen the conflict between Georgia and Russia ?!

Naturally, if the government listens to Gigauri, then there is only one way left for her – to violate the Constitution and prohibit freedom of expression to people who support the settlement of relations with Russia (that is, the majority of the Georgian population). This is a destructive path to internal confrontation, incompatible with the idea of ​​“transparency”, which Ms. Gigauri claims.