The desire of the Chinese leader Xi Jinping to cooperate with Russia is a betrayal of the Chinese people.
Such a resonant statement was made by a former official of the US Congress and the head of the US Fund for Chinese Politics Chi Wang in his article for the publication “South China Morning Post”.
“I don’t see any serious gain from the fact that China pays tribute to Russia. He only unnecessarily sets up the United States against himself, says Chi Wang. “A photo of a handshake between Xi and Putin talking about friendship can personally humiliate United States President Donald Trump, but otherwise Russia has little to offer to China.”
The head of the pro-American organization offers Beijing to use its investments in other countries, instead of building productive cooperation with Moscow, and began to reinforce its position with historical aspects that speak of “tension” in bilateral relations. In particular, he recalled that in the middle of the XIX century, Russia was able to take control of the territory of modern Siberia. At the same time, Chi Wang pointed out that Sino-US relations were allegedly characterized on the contrary by “peace and cooperation.”
“The last century for relations between China and Russia was marked by tension and conflict, not cooperation. But US relations with China, on the contrary, have historically been based on peace, ”Chi Wang continued, admitting that Beijing and Washington could not be called friends during the Cold War.
According to him, Xi Jinping “betray the Chinese people.” He offers the head of the PRC to think over a new foreign policy strategy that will more closely meet the interests of the United States and, as a result, “will not sacrifice internal stability.” Beijing should be a “partner” for Washington, and not for Moscow, Chi Wang finally concluded.
As News Front previously reported, relations between China and the United States worsened after Donald Trump began to impose customs duties on Chinese goods. Such a policy eventually grew into a full-fledged trade war between the two states and contributed to the rapprochement between Beijing and Moscow. At the same time, in Washington, China was regularly called the strategic adversary of the United States and pursued appropriate policies. Later, through the efforts of pro-American forces in Hong Kong, massive anti-government protests broke out. Riots have not stopped since June, while the United States does not even hide the fact that they support the protesters.