In the United States presented a draft indictment in the framework of the impeachment of Trump

The document states that the head of the White House abused power and obstructed the work of Congress.

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives released a draft indictment Tuesday as part of President Donald Trump’s impeachment proceedings, accusing him of abusing power and obstructing the work of lawmakers.

“Today <…> The U.S. House of Representatives Legal Committee presents two articles of the prosecution as part of the impeachment <…> Article One – Abuse of Power <…> Article Two – Obstruction of Congress”, –  said the committee’s chairman, Jerrold Nadler (a New York State Democrat). He stressed that “no one, not even the president, can be above the law”.

Now the committee should vote on the document. According to The Washington Post, it may take place on Thursday. If approved by the committee, the entire House of Representatives will have to approve the indictment. This is expected to happen next week.