WADA has hit Russia once again. It decided to ban it from participation in all international sporting events.
These include the World Championships and the Olympic Games.
The decision is purely political. It has nothing to do with the real state of affairs and the fact that Russian athletes are supposed to be doped.
“The decision of the WADA Executive Committee is terrible, but expected. Of course, it is politically motivated and one should not say “and not eat doping” here. It is necessary to make a political and patriotic decision to refuse to perform at the Games under a neutral flag, not to pay Olympic fees, compensating all expenses of athletes for this period because after 4 years, WADA will find something again and ban Russia for the next 4 years. And so every 4 years in a row. And to the courts, definitely to the courts”, – Andrey Malosolov wrote on Facebook.
Sergei Markov agrees with him, who believes that such behavior is an attempt to insult Russians.
“The aim is to insult Russian citizens so that they understand that as long as Russia is independent and Putin is in power, the rights of all Russian citizens will be systematically violated. This is not a message from WADA, but from the U.S., British and Canadian intelligence agencies. This shows that Russia’s policy of compromise with the West leads to a tightening of Western positions. Compromise is not possible as long as they have as their main goal the change of the Russian president and subordination of Russia to them. They understand only a tough answer. Reunification with Crimea is what should be a model in all spheres”, – he wrote.