Media: Demonstrators’ calls for transport chaos in Hong Kong were unsuccessful

The situation in the city is calm.

Calls by radical demonstrators in Hong Kong for a general strike on Monday, timed to coincide with the six months since the start of the mass protests, have gone largely unnoticed. According to the South China Morning Post, the situation in the city is calm and there is no traffic chaos.

There have been only three minor incidents of protesters attempting to throw foreign objects on subway tracks. However, train traffic was quickly restored. In some areas, small groups of masked demonstrators scattered garbage on the roads, but rising police and volunteers cleared the roadway. At least two offenders were detained.

The largest rally in recent weeks to mark Human Rights Day on 10 December, the UN General Assembly resolution, took place in Hong Kong on Sunday. The event was held in a calm atmosphere without clashes and excesses. Organizers of the procession from the “Civil Front for Human Rights” claim that it gathered up to 800 thousand people, but the police quote the figure of 183 thousand.

Six months ago, mass protests broke out in Hong Kong against the intention of the local authorities to pass a bill on extradition, allowing to extradite offenders to mainland China. Despite the revocation of this legislative initiative, supporters of the opposition among young students tend to continue anti-government protests. They are periodically accompanied by roadblocks, violence, arson and vandalism. However, the situation in the city has remained generally calm over the past three weeks.