The Defense Ministry of Russia upset customers about fake anti-russian “air strike” on refugees in Syria

The authors of the information box, who allegedly recorded negotiations between Russian airspace pilots during the bombing of a refugee camp in Syria, did not take into account that the transmission of the coordinates of the targets or reports of their defeat were not carried out by voice on open air.

This statement was made on Monday, December 2, by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on the fake of the American publication The New York Times.

He noted that all the accusations against Russia are based on a video of unknown origin, with the capital buildings of the “refugee camp”, flickering representatives of the scandalous organization “White Helmets”, as well as sky shots, where, according to the idea, there should be a “Russian plane”. And all this is accompanied by a Russian speech allegedly owned by Russian airborne pilots. It is alleged that the authors “deciphered” the negotiations for several months.

“To the disappointment of the customers of this fake, we are forced to remind again that the transfer of the coordinates of the targets to the pilots of Russian bombers or reports on the fulfillment of their tasks is not carried out by voice on the open air”, –  Konashenkov said.

“Given this fact, all the other pseudo-evidence drawn by the editors are primitive, pointless, and in Russian are called “a finger to the sky”. What the journalists of The New York Times actually spent for months and editorial money remains to be guessed”, – he added.