Open Arms rescue ship delivers migrants to Taranto, Italy

On Tuesday, the migrant-rescue ship of Spanish NGO Open Arms arrived in the port of Taranto and delivered 62 migrants previously found and extricated in the area between Italy and Libya.

Twenty-six minors, including twenty-four not accompanied by an adult, were among the migrants on board, according to the mission chief Riccardo Gatti. One of the migrants has a gunshot wound while other passengers have severe burns, Gatti also said.

First, 73 people were on board, but 11 migrants – including children, their families and suffered passengers – were transferred on Sunday to Augusta. After a medical checkup and identification procedures, the migrants will be divided under a redistribution agreement on sharing the burden of asylum seekers signed in Valletta, Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese said after granting the boat permission to dock.

The unaccompanied minors will be distributed in centers across Italy, officials said.