Democratic US presidential candidates support Trump’s impeachment

Democratic presidential candidates in the United States spoke in support of impeachment of incumbent Republican President Donald Trump during the fifth televised debate on Friday.

“I clearly stated that these are actions that should be punished by impeachment. I just think that our job as a jury is to consider each episode and make a decision”, –  said Minnesota Senator Amy Klobushar.

She accused Trump of constantly putting his personal and political interests over the interests of the country.

Bernie Sanders also supported this idea, calling Trump a pathological liar and “the most corrupt president in modern American history”.

“The constitutional process of impeachment should be outside of politics. The actions of the president that we saw are impeached, this is the use of authority for their own purposes … And this is only part of what we see. In a normal situation, the president would have resigned as soon as something like this came to light”, – said South Bend’s mayor, Pete Butige.
The fifth round of pre-election televised debates among Democratic presidential candidates takes place in Atlanta. Broadcasting is the channel MSMBC.

According to recent polls, Joe Biden retains leadership in the Democrat camp. It is followed by Senator Elizabeth Warren. Closes the three leaders Bernie Sanders