American democracy and Trump will be destroyed – citizens will not be given a chance to influence the US policy

American voters could represent a serious threat to the implementation of plans to overthrow Donald Trump from the presidency of the United States, which representatives of the Democratic Party have been implementing for so long.

This statement was made by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

According to her, the impeachment of the President must be carried out urgently in order to prevent the Americans from choosing Donald Trump for the second term in the framework of the 2020 elections. She calls this scenario “dangerous”, allegedly because the incumbent President poses a threat to the “honest” election process.

“This dangerous position only confirms the urgency of our actions, since the President jeopardizes the integrity of the 2020 elections”, – said Democratic Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

As News Front previously reported, Democrats repeatedly tried to impeach Donald Trump. Initially, they tried to accuse him of conspiring with Russia, which allegedly intervened in the 2016 presidential election. In this regard, a large-scale investigation, called “RussiaGate”, was initiated. Evidence of Trump’s connection with Moscow was never found.

Later, the Democrats began to accuse the Head of the White House of “putting pressure” on the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky. The fact is that Trump was counting on the assistance of the new Kiev authorities in disclosing information that compromised his Democratic opponent in the upcoming elections, Joe Biden. The latter, being Vice President of Barack Obama, blackmailed Petro Poroshenko, having secured the dismissal of the prosecutor general, who investigated financial fraud in the company of Biden Jr. Democrats could not allow the disclosure of these scandalous facts, so they decided to launch a counterattack, which could end impeachment for Trump.