France Info: Steinmeier demands US respect at the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

At a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier demanded that the Trump government reduce “national egoism” and show “respect” for its allies, writes France Info. Steinmeier also noted the deterioration of relations between Germany and the United States after taking office of the current American president.

On Saturday evening, November 9, during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier demanded that the United States led by Donald Trump “express respect” for its allies and end “national egoism”, France Info reports. Despite the coherence of the event between the countries, in his speech, Steinmeier “tactlessly”, according to the site, emphasized the deterioration of German-American relations in recent years. The publication recalls that the president in Germany is an honorary position and enjoys “moral authority” in the country.

According to the French website, Steinmeier made a speech standing in front of the legendary Bradenburg Gate, which until 1989 was considered a symbol of the “division of Germany”. The President noted the leading role of the United States – the “strong arm of the West” – in the fall of the Iron Curtain 30 years ago.

“We Germans owe a lot to this America. This America, which acts as a partner on  mutual respect, as a partner in democracy and for freedom, against national egoism. This is exactly what I want in the future”, – Steinmeier said, making a hidden but transparent allusion to the Trump administration.

On Saturday, Donald Trump, who, after winning the 2016 election, didn’t come to Germany on an official visit, recognized the country as “one of the most important allies” of the United States. However, the French publication writes, ranging from disputes over military spending to trade, relations between Germany and the United States have never been so tense after the war as during the Trump presidency. Moreover, the Head of the United States has repeatedly criticized the European Union.
According to France Info, during the celebration “with restrained enthusiasm” of the fall of the Iron Curtain, the President of Germany also addressed the German people. He expressed his regret that “in all countries new walls are being built: walls of despair, anger and hatred”.