Democrats ruin Trump Christmas by impeachment ballot

The US Democratic Party is already moving on to the second stage of its plan to overthrow Donald Trump from his presidency. At the same time, the Democrats intend to hold a vote on impeachment in the House of Representatives of the US Congress before Catholic Christmas.

It is reported by the American publication “The Hill”.

According to media reports, the Democrats aim to complete their “investigation” against Donald Trump before the end of this year, in order to vote in the House of Representatives in time, and in the new year to raise the issue already for discussion by the Senate.

In this regard, Trump’s opponents, accusing him of pressure on the Ukrainian leadership, hastily completed the closed hearings, having distributed many transcripts of testimonies based on them. The second phase involves open hearings, the task of which is to convey to the Americans the position of the Democrats and prepare the people for impeachment.

The first open hearing will be held next week with the participation of three diplomats who previously accused Donald trump and his supporters of pressure on Vladimir Zelensky.

“In the House of Representatives, it is necessary to set a goal for this in the intelligence, international and legal affairs committees, as well as to put the issue to a general vote by Christmas,” commented Danny Heck, member of the intelligence committee, on Democratic plans.

It is worth noting that during the vote, Democrats who control the House of Representatives need to get at least 50% of the votes of congressmen plus one vote.