The Russian ambassador was invited to the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

An invitation was sent to the Russian side to participate in events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the ambassador told RIA Novosti in the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“The invitation was officially sent to the Russian side. There will be an ambassador”, – the Foreign Ministry said.

The Berlin Wall is the equipped and fortified state border of the German Democratic Republic, built on the territory of the German Democratic Republic around West Berlin and existed from August 13, 1961 to November 9, 1989. The Berlin Wall not only divided the western and eastern parts of the city, but also separated West Berlin from the territory of the German Democratic Republic.

It was built on the recommendation of the meeting of secretaries of Communist and workers ‘ parties of the Warsaw Pact and on the basis of the decision of the leader of the DDR Walter Ulbricht. On November 9, 1989, under the influence of mass popular protests, the DDR government lifted restrictions on communication with West Berlin, and on June 1, 1990, completely abolished border controls.