Smugglers carve parts from the Trump Wall between the USA and Mexico

Attackers used electronic saws to cut holes in new sections of the wall that Donald Trump built.

In recent months, gangs of smugglers in Mexico have been able to break through new sections of the border wall of the US President Donald Trump. The Washington Post reports about this with reference to the American border guards on Sunday, November 3.

Smugglers use electronic saws to cut through steel and concrete sections of the wall, creating openings wide enough for smuggling of people and drugs. These saws can cut through the blockers in minutes.

Engineers told the newspaper that due to the height of the pillars, which are 18 to 30 feet, it is easier to push steel to go to the other side.

Trump said he did not hear reports of cutting through the border wall, but, he added, “it is possible to break through anything”.

“We have a very powerful wall, but no matter how powerful it is, you can break through anything. But there are a lot of people watching us. Cutting is one thing, but it’s easy to fix. One of the reasons we made it in this way was because it is very easy to fix it. You put the piece back. Still we have a very powerful wall, but you can break through any wall”, –  the President told reporters in the White House.

The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico was one of Trump’s main election promises.

Previously, Pentagon allocated $ 3.6 billion to build a wall on the border with Mexico.