Trump called lynching the process of impeachment that began against him

US President Donald Trump called lynching the process of impeachment that the Democrats initiated against him, noting that “once” the Republicans will be able to do the same if the representative of the Democratic Party takes the post of head of state.

“And someday, if a democrat becomes president and the Republicans get a majority in the House of Representatives, even with a very small margin, they will be able to impeach the President without due process, objectivity and legal rights to do so. All Republicans should remember what they witnessed here are lynching. But we will win!”, – the American leader wrote in his official Twitter account.

Earlier, Democrats began impeaching Trump, claiming that he put pressure on the leadership of Ukraine, seeking for his own political purposes an investigation against ex-vice president Joe Biden  and his family. Trump distributed a transcript of the conversation, from which it follows that he really asked the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky to “study” the Biden case. At the same time, Trump claims that he did not do anything illegal and only fulfilled his duty to fight corruption.

Currently, three committees of the US House of Representatives are interviewing witnesses in the “Ukrainian case”, as well as sending numerous subpoenas to members of the Trump administration with a request to provide the necessary documents. The congressional testimony has already been given by a number of key figures: former US special envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker, former US ambassador to Ukraine Marie Jovanovic, former presidential adviser to Russia and Ukraine Fiona Hill, US ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland.

If the majority in the House of Representatives vote in favor of impeaching Trump, the case will go to the Senate. Upon completion of the proceedings, a Senate vote will be held. Two-thirds of the vote is required to remove the president from power. Republicans have a majority in the Senate and are unlikely to pass a decision on impeachment to a same-party president.