During the protests in Catalonia, more than 50 people were detained per day

More than 50 people were detained throughout the Catalan Autonomous Community of Spain during the riots on the day of the general strike on Friday and Saturday night.

According to Catalan law enforcement agencies Mossos de Escuadra, 54 people were detained.

According to the Department of Health of the Generality, medical care in Barcelona alone was provided to 152 victims, of which 50 were sent to hospitals. The service of Mossos de Escuadra reported that among its employees 18 victims.

A general strike took place in Catalonia on Friday: meetings were held in the autonomous community, and roads were blocked. Riots occurred in a number of cities. The most difficult situation since the beginning of the protest week has developed in Barcelona. Clashes between police and radicals took place near the building of the National Police Mission. Young people (according to the Spanish Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are about 400 of them) bombarded law enforcement officers with paving stones, stones, bottles, banks, pulled out traffic signs, beat up shop windows, turned over garbage containers, built barricades and set them on fire. Police used batons, rubber bullets, and tear gas to try to push the young people away. Then the riots spread to other streets – including Plaça Catalunya and University Square. The police first used water cannons to extinguish the barricades burning in the city.