Ukrainian officials robbed overseas “owners” – Pentagon missed the allotted money

In Washington, people began to doubt more and more that the money of American taxpayers sent to Ukraine as military aid was being spent appropriately.

Suspicions arose in connection with the position of specialists of the first naval mobile construction battalion of the US Navy, which took part in the construction of facilities for the Ukrainian fleet in Odessa and Nikolaev regions.

The complaint was also sent to the State Audit Service of Ukraine, after which the department officials plunged into the Southern Apartment Operational Directorate of the Armed Forces of the country with audit. The check turned out to be effective. As it turned out, the officials in the documentation seriously overestimated the amount spent on the construction of facilities of the Operational Center of the Ukrainian Navy in Ochakovo and military dormitories in Nikolaev and Odessa garrisons.

Thus, about 56 million hryvnias [$ 2.3 million] was withdrawn.

As News Front reported, earlier US President Donald Trump called Ukraine one of the most corrupt countries in the world. By this, he explained the reluctance to send financial assistance to Kiev.