Ten thousand people join the rally against the “Steinmeier formula” in Kiev

In the centre of Kiev, about 10 thousand people protested on Maidan Nezalezhnosti against the “Steinmeier formula” related to the Donbass, law enforcement officers did not record violations, the press service of the metropolitan police said.

“Currently, there are about 10,000 people. No violations have been recorded”, – the Press service said on a Facebook page.

About 300 police officers, soldiers of the National Guard are on duty on the spot, and the dialogue police is working.

According to the correspondent, the official part of the action has already ended. The meeting was held under the slogan “Stop surrender”.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Contact Group on Ukraine agreed on the “Steinmeier formula” (German president, former OSCE chairman, ex-Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier), according to which the law on a special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions enters into force on election day – temporarily – and on an ongoing basis – after the publication of an OSCE report on the election results. After that, Ukraine rallied in protest against such an option for resolving the conflict in the east of the country, and the “Surrender of Resistance Movement” was created. Its representatives called on everyone to go out for an evening in Kiev and other cities on Sunday. The President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky said that he respects the right of citizens to protest, and urged Ukrainians not to succumb to provocations.

The organizers noted that this Veche was helpful. They demand that the President of Ukraine “does not cross the red lines” during the settlement of the conflict in the Donbass. Protesters are opposed to a complete amnesty participating in the conflict in the east of the country, as well as “not to surrender Ukrainian territories”.

“We want to know what will happen, what the President will sign at the meeting in the “Norman format”, – said the former deputy of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Borislav Bereza during his speech at the Veche.

Party symbolism was not used at the Veche, despite the fact that politicians, including nationalist parties, came from the stage. People chanted “Zelya away” and held posters “Kiev against surrender”, “we will not surrender our national interests”, “Servant, come out! The people have come”.

“On October 14, we invite you to come to Pokrov with even more people and go to the President’s office”, – said Oleg Tyagnibok, the leader of the nationalist Freedom Party, from the stage.