On October 6, an action will take place in Kiev, dissatisfied with the consent of President Vladimir Zelensky to the Steinmeier formula. The “rehearsal” of this action took place on October 2, in addition to Kiev, in other major cities of Ukraine – Lviv, Odessa. In the capital, several hundred protesters came right up to the windows of the Presidential Administration and chanted “Zelya h…o” and “Vova come out”.
But the main events are scheduled for October 6, and also on October 14, when Ukraine celebrates Fatherland Defender’s Day. On this date, traditionally, nationalists organize mass marches in Kiev and in other cities. This time they are going to come out under the slogan “no surrender”.
Yellow protest
The upcoming rally on October 6 in social networks was christened as “Steinmeier-Maidan” or “Maidan of yellow dressings” (protesters are urged to bring yellow tape and yellow ribbons with them as a symbol of “surrender resistance”).
Officially, the action is called “Stop Surrender” Veche.
Its organizer declared a certain “Movement of resistance to surrender”, which included ATO veterans and members of the Democratic Sokira organization, UNA-UNSO, OUN, and Free People. By the way, Dmitry Yarosh with the UDD supported this “antiZE-union”. This coalition is coordinated by ex-deputies Dmitry Linko, Andrey Teteruk, Sergey Vysotsky and Andrey Levus. Also among the organizers there is Vyatrovich and the former representative of Ukraine in the tripartite contact group in Minsk Roman Bessmertny.
The organizers of the action believe that due to the approval of the Steinmeier formula in Minsk on October 1, Ukraine is about to capitulate, because it gives Donbass a special status.
“Ukraine is one step away from surrender in the war with Russia. The holding of elections in the ORDLO opens the door to the autonomy of the ORDLO, the legalization of terrorists as politicians and the “people’s militia” and, ultimately, the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty. In order to systemically counter surrender, we announce the creation of resistance to surrender”, – says the event on the social network.
At the veche, they are going to put forward an ultimatum to the authorities and discuss a strategy and a plan for further actions.
It is interesting that the action will take place on the eve of the withdrawal of troops in Zolotoy and Petrovsky, which they agreed to start on October 7th.
SBU plan is to suspend some of the “Anti-Ze” and to split others.
However, the current government is also evidently not going to passively observe the attempts of the radicals to organize a new Maidan.
According to sources in the SBU and the police, negotiations were held with many national radicals over the past few days, as a result of which some of them significantly reduced activity.
Or, in general, unexpectedly, they began to speak about the actions of Zelensky and the “Servants” quite neutrally and even peacefully.
Other radical leaders said they would hold their protests on other days. For example, the leader of the National Corps Andrey Biletsky, who was very noticeable during the rally on October 2, has not yet announced his participation in tomorrow’s rally. But he said that he was going to hold a march on October 14.
True, the representative of the National Corps Rodion Kudryashov said that the party will take part in tomorrow’s action.
“Since 2015, the National Corps has been conducting large-scale actions against the Minsk capitulary negotiation process and “Sh.Formula”. We will participate this time”, – said Kudryashov.
The regulars of various street events, the ultra-right from C14 and radicals like Sternenko, who killed a person in Odessa last year, are also not noticeable in the actions.
“In the SBU, activists are offered direct cooperation, promising in return the defense of the “office” and the dumping of their old criminal proceedings. An action plan has been created to counter Steinmeier-Maidan. The plan involves work in three areas. The first is to conduct a conversation and bring to the attention of those nationalists who have “hanging” criminal proceedings that their cases are at the disposal of the SBU and are “frozen”. For this “suspended” asset behaves quietly. The second direction is to split the protest. According to this vector, the “office” plans to work with the “heavyweights” – leaders of nationalist parties. They are invited not to act as a united front and hold their actions on different days, as well as gradually reduce the intensity of anti-presidential rhetoric. The third direction of the plan provides for the discrediting of Anti-ZE shares through the drain of discrediting information about those participants who do not agree to cooperate”, – said a source in the SBU.
By the way, just yesterday it became known that the criminal proceedings of Sergei Sternenko were again transferred by the Prosecutor General to the SBU.
Note that a warning for the organizers of Steinmeier-Maidan the other day was personally issued by Zelensky.
He said that behind the protests are separate Ukrainian politicians who want to thus avoid criminal cases. Hinting clearly at Petro Poroshenko.
“I really ask everyone to take a balanced and calm approach to the situation and not give in to the manipulations and provocations of some individuals. They really want to use you, regain the possibility of robbery, become victims of political persecution and avoid criminal liability. This will not happen”, – the President said.
It is characteristic that the next day Petro Poroshenko also spoke, who said that he generally liked Zelensky’s speech and that “we should not raise the degree of internal discussion to a critical point”.
However, the real results of the Ze-team’s work will be revealed tomorrow by the scale and nature of the “Maidan of yellow dressings”.