Kiev promises to ensure safety after the withdrawal of forces in Zolotoye

Law enforcement officers will continue to serve in the settlements of Zolotoye-4 and Yekaterinovka, despite the separation of forces, said the deputy head of the National Police of Ukraine Vadim Troyan.

Earlier, OSCE Special Representative Martin Saidik, following a meeting of the contact group in Minsk, announced that the withdrawal of forces and assets in Zolotoy and Petrovsky in Donbass will resume on October 7.

“Despite the announced withdrawal of military forces at a site near the city of Zolotoye, police will continue to serve in the villages of Zolotoye-4 and Yekaterinovka. Already today we are increasing the number of police officers who, as part of foot and auto patrols, will respond to calls and messages from citizens and ensure public safety in the settlements on the contact line”, – the press service of the National Police quoted Troyan as saying.

According to the deputy head of the department, the national police have successful experience after the troop withdrawal in the village of Lugansk.

“There, local residents also had fears about their fate after the military moved to new frontiers. Then the front lines were the soldiers of the Lugansk-1 police battalion, the National Guard and border guards. And they fully carry out the tasks assigned to them to ensure the rule of law and security of Ukrainian citizens”, – said the deputy head of the National Police.

In 2016, the contact group to resolve the situation in Ukraine signed a framework decision on the deployment of forces and means of the parties to the conflict in the Donbass. The withdrawal of forces in the area of ​​the settlements of Zolotoye and Petrovsky took place in 2016, in the Village of Lugansk in June 2019. At the same time, the DPR and LPR have repeatedly stated that the Ukrainian security forces advanced deep into the breeding areas in the Petrovsky and Zolotoye districts, and insisted on restoring parity.