The mayor of a Latvian city violate the Constitution by speaking Russian

The center of the state language of Latvia has asked the Mayor of Daugavpils Andrey Elksninsh to explain why he made the appeal in Russian during the Dragon Boats festival on the Big Slings lake.
It is reported by “European Truth”.

“The center of the state language sent me “a letter of happiness” for using the Russian language. As it turned out, this summer, while sunbathing on Lake Big Slings, I violated the preamble to the Constitution, wishing the rowers to row successfully”, – said Elksnins.

The State Language Center refers to a video showing that on May 24, the mayor addressed the participants in Russian. By this, in the opinion of the state language center, he violated the 4th paragraph of the Constitution, which states that the state language of Latvia is Latvian.

The law “On self-government” says that the working language of local governments is Latvian, and the chairman of the city council is required to know the state language at the highest level. The chairman of the Duma, notes the center of state language, based on the preamble to the Constitution, should take care of the cohesion of society, which should be based on the Latvian language. Therefore Elksnins is obliged to address the population in Latvian, especially at public events available to all residents of the city.

As Ukrainian News reported, in Latvia the Soviet and Nazi military uniforms will be banned and fined for wearing it. The country also officially banned the Rossiya channel for inciting hatred of Ukraine and accused Russia of cyber attacks on government departments.