Al-Shabaab militants attack US military base in Somalia

Al-Shabaab militants attacked an American air base in southern Somalia, local media reported.

The publication Goobjoog News notes that the attack was carried out at Baledogle airbase in the Lower Shabelle region.
“According to sources, the militants drove into the camp in trucks loaded with explosives, but their attack was repelled after 30 minutes”, – the report said.

After that, according to an eyewitness to the incident, a shootout began. No potential casualties reported. At the same time, the publication “Garowe Online” refers to the statement of “Al-Shabaab” militants and notes that they took responsibility for the attack.

The publication also reports with reference to an eyewitness that another attack was made: an explosion occurred near the military academy in the capital of the country, Mogadishu. The aim of the militants was a convoy of the Italian military.

The radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab (the Movement of Young Mujahideen), based in Somalia, has close ties with the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. It wages an armed struggle against the central government of Somalia and impedes the humanitarian activities of the UN. The United States inflicts regular attacks on Al-Shabaab positions.