Afghan presidential election: Tense wait after day of attacks

People have voted in Afghanistan’s presidential poll amid heavy security and deadly bomb attacks from militants.

Low turnout was widely reported, as many voters were worried about security following threats from the Taliban.

The twice-delayed vote on Sunday took place after Taliban-US peace talks had collapsed earlier this month.

The two main candidates are the incumbent, Ashraf Ghani, and chief executive, Abdullah Abdullah, who shared power since 2014.

More than 70,000 members of the security forces were deployed across the country to protect voters.

Despite the increased security, at least four people were killed and 80 wounded in bomb and mortar attacks on voting centres.

But in the southern city of Kandahar, women were seen standing in queues to vote, despite a bomb attack on a polling station.

Women voters make up 35% of the more than nine million Afghans registered to vote.

The Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan expects to announce the results in three weeks.

Turnout is thought to have been low, but one voter said she would cast her vote even if it meant standing in long queues for hours.

“Bravery is defined when one musters the courage to cast their vote in Afghanistan,” said Roya Jahangir, a doctor based in the capital, Kabul.

“We hope this time there is no fraud – otherwise voters will feel cheated once again,” she told Reuters news agency.

Authorities extended voting hours to ensure those queuing would have a chance to cast their ballot.