Trump has to answer twice before Congress for stopping military assistance to Kiev

Clarifications regarding the White House’s decision to “freeze” military assistance to Kiev, which had previously been approved by US lawmakers, were immediately demanded by Donald Trump by two committees of the House of Representatives of the US Congress.

Corresponding letters to the presidential administration were sent by the head of the appropriation committee Nita Loveay and the head of the budget committee John Yarmouth.

So, the congressmen are demanding from Trump an answer to the question of exactly when he made the decision to suspend military assistance and what his administration motivated this step at that moment. At the same time, Love and Yarmouth unanimously expressed their “serious concern” that the measures taken by the Budget Office actually violate the law on control over appropriations.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump had already commented on his decision, and called the level of corruption in Ukraine the reason. Later, the requirement for Europe to give Kiev more money was added to the rationale for the “freezing” of financial assistance.

As News Front previously reported, Trump’s opponents are trying to link the suspension of support for Ukraine with his pressure on the Kiev authorities to secure her support in the case of Joe Biden, who, as you know, blackmailed Petro Poroshenko, demanding that he hush up the investigation of financial fraud in the company of Biden Jr.