A new refugee wave: the former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz accuses Europe

Ex-Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurtz (ÖVP) warns against a new wave of refugees.

“I not only feel that something is brewing, but I have a feeling that we in Europe are partly to blame for this”, – he told the Bild newspaper.

The head of the Austrian People’s Party criticized Spain and Italy for their “turn in migration policy”. The fact that both countries reopened their ports for migrants was the wrong signal for ships in Africa.

At the same time, Kurtz also criticized the initiative of the Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) to distribute every fourth migrant rescued from the Mediterranean in Germany.

“If people are saved in the Mediterranean, we must do everything possible to return them to their countries of origin”, – Kurtz emphasized.

At the same time, he expressed satisfaction with the fact that Greece and Bulgaria gave a signal about counteracting the “wave to Central Europe”.

However, he declined negotiations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for new assistance to refugees. This would give Erdogan the impression that they are holding European states.