The American administration during the time of Barack Obama seriously took up Ukraine, which became an instrument of pressure on the Russian Federation, but now it is much more important for Washington to have friendly relations with Moscow.
This position is held by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, a source told The Washington Post.
According to the interlocutor of the journalists, he discussed the “Ukrainian project” with the head of the White House many times, and Trump made it clear that he considers the Washington’s activity in the Ukrainian direction, which “only annoys Russia,” to be pointless.
“The President essentially insists that we must recognize the fact that it is necessary to be friends with Russia, and who cares about Ukraine at all?” – he said.
At the same time, the publication notes that Donald Trump is in no hurry to set a date for a full-format meeting in the White House with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, but his administration insists on negotiations. Journalists attribute this to the situation around the so-called Ukrainogate and the compromising evidence on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
As News Front previously reported, Trump insists that Zelensky initiate an investigation into the interference of Ukrainian officials in the 2016 US presidential election, in addition, he demands that he compromise on Biden, who was blackmailing Petro Poroshenko, demanding to hush up the investigation into Biden Jr.’s company.