Über 6000 Menschen setzen in #Essen ein dickes Zeichen fürs Klima, für die Zukunft und gegen Braunkohle, @RWE_AG & Co. In Deutschland wir in 575 Orten gestreikt, weltweit 5447. Der Kampf um unsere Erde beginnt erst jetzt. #Klimastreik #FridaysForFuture #allesfuersklima pic.twitter.com/YphxEedlsN
— DIE LINKE. Essen (@linkeessen) September 20, 2019
In dozens of countries around the world on Friday, September 20, protests in defense of climate are taking place. About two hundred organizations and public initiatives including the “Fridays For Future” youth movement have called for a global strike. According to the initiators, the events will be held in cities of about 160 countries.
In Germany, more than 500 actions and demonstrations are planned. Organizers expect hundreds of thousands of exhibitors across the country.