The announcement on the admission of ship migrants made by the Federal Minister of Internal Affairs Horst Seehofer (CSU) caused a wave of indignation.
Seehofer spoke in favor of receiving every fourth migrant rescued from adversity by Italy. The leader of the CSU parliament in the Bavarian state parliament, Thomas Kreutzer, as reported by the DPA news agency, rejected the proposal and emphasized that there should be no “guarantee of admission”.
The chairman of the Thuringian CDU and the main candidate of his party for state elections on October 27, Mike Moring, believes that “incentive systems” are not a good option.
We cannot guarantee a simultaneous payment to all migrants. The ceiling that can be achieved this year has already been set, – said Andrea Lindholz (CSU), the chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee.
So do not rely on a promising migration policy.
It was important not to create new attraction factors for illegal migrants, – said CDU MP Philip Amtor.
Seehofer justified the agreement at the EU level with the humanitarian demand of the government.
I have always said that our migration policy is also humane. We do not allow anyone to drown. This will not interfere with our migration policy, – he told Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Meanwhile, Ocean Viking from SOS Méditerranée took on board another 73 migrants off the Libyan coast. According to the organization, there are 182 people on board.