Despite the economic pressure Iran is experiencing through the efforts of the United States, the republic will be able to survive a potential armed conflict, which cannot be said about one of the American allies in the region.
This was told by a veteran of the Israeli special services, Jacob Kedmi.
According to him, the weakest link in the Middle East, despite the abundance of wealth, remains Saudi Arabia, which has every chance of ending its existence during the US-Iran confrontation.
“Vladimir Putin intends to visit Saudi Arabia in October, if he has anything to visit at all, because the result of a possible war could be that Saudi Arabia disappears from the face of the Earth. This country cannot survive the armed conflict”, – the expert noted, noting that Riyadh could not even cope with the Ansar Alla Yemeni rebels.
In addition, Kedmi is confident that the US military presence in the Middle East will also be undermined by the war with Iran, because the situation of the United States is complicated by the vulnerability of their bases in the region.