It is unacceptable for Germany to wait for the settlement of the Crimean issue, because it is in its interests to normalize relations with Russia, and not return to confrontation like during times of the Cold War, the leader of the liberal Free Democratic Party of Germany said.
For the sake of unified Western rhetoric, he assured that he did not consider the situation with Crimea acceptable, but at the same time emphasized that it should not stand between Germany and its national interests.
“Our interests are to prevent the escalation of tension that we saw during the Cold War. It is in our interests to make cooperation possible. A couple of years ago, I said that we are not allowed to postpone the dialogue until the Crimean issue is completely resolved. With such a policy, there will be no results. During this time, the situation did not improve, but worsened,” – said the German politician.
As News Front previously reported, French professor Jean-Christophe Galyan wrote that it was time to close the issue of the Ukrainian crisis, and Europe would have to abandon the sanctions policy, even if Russia “would never give up Crimea.”