Rival groups clash in Hong Kong protests

Pro-democracy and pro-Beijing groups clashed in a shopping mall in Hong Kong on Saturday as unrest over alleged Chinese interference in the territory continued.

The pro-Beijing groups chanted “Support the police” and “Power to China”.

The clashes in the Kowloon Bay area of what is known as Hong Kong’s special administrative zone involved angry and violent confrontations between groups.

Riot police intervened and some protesters were arrested and detained.

On Friday, protesters against Chinese interference in the former British colony came out in their hundreds across the territory.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong is on a US trip looking for support for the protests. On Friday he visited New York’s Columbia University. He told reporters that he had been invited to meet US congressmen during his visit.

It is being claimed that the number of tourists visiting the territory has dramatically decreased.

Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan said visitor numbers in August fell by almost 40% compared to last year.