American journalist and volunteer Patrick Lancaster buys a house for a large family from Zaitsevo

Patrick Lancaster is an independent journalist from the American Saint-Louis, Missouri state. For almost 5 years he has been revealing the events taking place at Donbass territory, informing people about the war.

He neither works for any of the news agencies, nor fulfills editorial tasks. He creates reports about things he sees by himself – about what is virtually going on, about Ukrainian armed forces shelling the DPN inhabitants, about sufferings that local people doomed to live in the conditions of war undergo daily. He reports this all to his audience, many members of which are his compatriots.

Patrick is also involved in giving humanitarian aid to people living on the frontline. Their  amount is rather considerable and they are all desperate and wretched. Thus, lately the American reporter has been gathering donations via social networks, aimed at purchasing a house for a family from Zaycevo having many children. Their previous lodging was destroyed by fire after it was hit by a shell.

In the Haydash family there are 6 children who have quickly matured because of the war actions. What is more, the youngest ones are not even aware of the opportunity to live a nonchalant life without explosions or shelling. The family was provided a temporal lodging in a small house on the outskirts of the village. Still, the housing issue was not solved. Now, due to Patrick’s efforts, the family enters their new house. According to local standards, it is considered solid – it has brick walls and 4 rooms inside it. Not far from the house there is a bus station where the school bus stops and a shop, which is a great advantage for the countryside. Room decoration is very simple, just as in the average house in this place. Also there is a big land section, where the head of the family plans to create a garden.

Zaycevo has appeared in news summary for more than one time due to its dislocation on the demarcation line. Despite this fact, the family does not want to leave their homeland. It can be concluded that their  stubbornness hardened the tempers of local inhabitants who stayed under fire, but in their homeland.