US calls on Europe to fight with China and Russia

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said the United States will strengthen the fight against Russia and China and urge Europe to think about it.

“Russian foreign policy continues to ignore international norms,” – the Pentagon chief said. Esper noted the risk of a “Russian invasion” of a neighboring country and Moscow’s actions in Syria. He added that Russia and China want to destroy the international order.
Esper described a number of issues related to China, from its economic expansion to the theft of technology. “I would like to warn my friends in Europe – this is not a problem in some distant country that does not concern you,”- the minister said. He also doubted that, looking at the events in Hong Kong, we can talk about the fulfillment of the promise by Beijing to observe the principle of “one country – two systems.”
In early September, it was reported that the US Department of Defense suspended 127 different construction programs in order to allocate $ 3.6 billion for the construction of fences on the border with Mexico.