Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said it would not agree to special status in the European Union

The ministry stressed that Kiev wants to become a full member of the EU.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry categorically opposed the idea voiced earlier by Slovenia to offer Kiev and Ankara a special status instead of full membership in the European Union.

“The strategic goal of Ukraine is full membership in the EU, which is also enshrined in the constitution of our state,” – Yekaterina Zelenko , spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry said. “This is the civilizational choice of the Ukrainian people, for which we continue to work actively, in particular in the process of the implementation of the Agreement association with the EU.”

In a commentary to the Ukrinform agency, she also noted that the Ukrainian ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia is now holding meetings with official representatives of Ljubljana with the goal of “informing about Ukraine’s achievements on the way to realizing this strategic goal.”

Speaking at the 14th Strategic Forum in the Slovenian city of Bled, Slovenian President Borut Pahor invited the European Union to provide the countries of the Western Balkans with full membership in the EU, and Ukraine and Turkey with special status.