Trump signs emergency declaration for US Virgin Islands, rattled by Hurricane Dorian

US President Donald Trump approves Florida emergency declaration rattled by hurricane “Dorian” and made an order concerning federal assistance for the state, – White House states. 

US President Donald Trump approves Florida emergency declaration due to hurricane “Dorian” and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State, – the White House states.

“Today, President Donald Trump announced a state of emergency in Florida and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State, tribal, and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from hurricane Dorian,”- the White House reports. The tropical storm “Dorian” in the Atlantic Ocean strengthened into a hurricane on Wednesday. According to the National Hurricane Center, Dorian was located right above St. Thomas. Gusts of wind inside a hurricane reach 120 kilometers per hour. 

Dorian is the fourth hurricane of this season. Hurricane Barry led to the death of one person. Last season, Florida was hit by two hurricanes – “Gordon” and “Michael”, with several dozens of victims.

Trump said that Dorian could be one of the largest in US history.