Fierce clashes unfolded in Idlib – the Syrian army freed two more settlements

The counter-terrorist operation of the Syrian Arab army in the Idlib de-escalation zone continues. Government forces launched an offensive east of Khan Sheikhun, freeing up two more settlements in southern Idlib.

According to local information resources on Thursday, August 29, new clashes erupted in the region between units of the Syrian Arab army and jihadists. As a result of the confrontation, the militants were forced to retreat, and government troops occupied the settlements of Khuwein Al-Kabir and Az-Zarzur.

However, the Syrian army freed farms in the area of the city of At-Tamania. A further offensive, according to reports, will unfold in the direction of the village of Umm Jalal in the district of Maarrat al-Numan.

Military sources also report that support to the Syrian troops is provided by the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation. Russian aviation inflicted several attacks on the terrorist fortifications near Maarrat al-Numan, as well as the settlements of Dzhardzhanaz, Tel Manis, Al-Gadfa, Maarshurin and Deir Sharki.