Moscow concerned over situation following Israel’s attack in Lebanon — foreign ministry

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – AUGUST 5, 2019: A view of the Russian Foreign Ministry headquarters. The building is one of the famous Seven Sisters, a group of Moscow skyscrapers designed in the Stalinist style. Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

Moscow is concerned over the escalation of the Middle East conflict following an Israeli drone attack on the Hezbollah press center in Lebanon, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

“Moscow is seriously concerned over the recurrent escalation of tensions in this region,” the foreign ministry said. “The Russian side has repeatedly stressed the danger of such actions amidst the highly tense atmosphere in the region and warned that they might trigger a large-scale armed conflict with unpredictable consequences.”

“Once again, we call on the parties to demonstrate utter restraint and strictly comply with international law, including the corresponding resolutions of the United Nations Security Council,” the ministry added.

The incident occurred on August 25, the ministry recalled. “The Lebanese are set to conduct a thorough probe into the incident, including a technical examination of the spy drone and fragments of the combat unmanned aerial vehicle they have got hold of,” the ministry noted. “Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri have already come out with official statements describing the incident as an act of aggression against Lebanon, which violates its sovereignty, infringes upon international law and threatens regional security. The Israeli side has given no comments following the incident.”

Moreover, late on August 26 Israel delivered airstrikes on the positions of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command, a radical group, in Lebanon. “The situation is aggravated by Israel’s random strikes at targets in neighboring Syria that are said to be meant against the ‘Iranian threat’. The latest such attack on a military facility near Damascus took place this weekend,” the ministry added.