Almost 2 mln displaced persons return to their homes in Syria since 2015

About 1.3 million of internally displaced persons and 600,000 international refugees returned to their homes in Syria from September 30, 2015, the head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides in Syria, Alexey Bakin, told reporters on Saturday.

He said that efforts aimed at non-military solution of the domestic Syrian conflict and at helping Syrians to return to peaceful life continue in the country.

At the same time, radical groups continue to violate the ceasefire. On Friday, for example, militants opened fire at 21 villages and towns in the governorates of Aleppo, Latakia and Idlib.

“On August 16, 32 cases of shelling were registered. Militants of illegal armed groups attacked Benjamin, Sabikia, Al-Buraj, Halasa, Aleppo in the Aleppo governorate; Kinsibba, Ain al-Kantara, al-Asi, Beit Jnauro, Ardash Dag, Sanjeka, Kara-Galia, Safsafa, Kara-Jaghez, Ain Slaymo, Sandran, Ain al-Ashra in the Latakia governorate; Makanis al-Duwairi, Mgaret-Marza, Succoria, al Salihiya in the Idlib governorate,” Bakin said.