Washington’s Possible Withdrawal From WTO Poses Serious Doubt Over Its Future

The comment comes after US President Donald Trump threatened to pull the United States out of the World Trade Organisation while addressing a rally in Pittsburgh on Tuesday. According to the president, the organisation “has been screwing” the United States “for years.”

The existence of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will be thrown into question if the United States withdraws from it, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday, stressing that it was a decision for Washington alone.

“There is no doubt that the existence of the strategic global economical organisation [WTO] will be thrown into a big question if the world’s biggest economy withdraws from it, this is obvious … Anyway, this is the United States’ domestic matter”, Peskov told reporters.

Russia remains a WTO member “with all the consequences that this implies,” Peskov stressed.

On Tuesday, President Trump told a rally in Pittsburgh that Washington did not need the WTO if it fails to address loopholes that favour certain nations.

The US President has lambasted the trade regulator on multiple occasions dubbing it a “catastrophe” and a “disaster” for the US.

Trump believes that the organisation disadvantages his country while allowing other countries, particularly China, to abuse its regulations. The White House earlier accused China of enjoying developing country status, despite the fact that it is currently the world’s second-largest economy.

WTO members have long discussed the possibility of reforming the organisation. Certain nations, including Russia, believe the bloc should continue to evolve, while others are advocating for more fundamental changes to the organisation.