Venezuelan parliament will continue working under any circumstances

The Venezuelan National Assembly (parliament) will continue functioning under any circumstances, opposition leader Juan Guaido said on Tuesday.

The Venezuelan parliament is controlled by opponents of President Nicolas Maduro.

“If necessary, we will use emergency mechanisms to continue working in the parliament and fulfilling our responsibilities no matter what,” El Nacional newspaper quoted Guaido as saying. Guaido added that the Venezuelan authorities are cautious about international reaction to the possible dissolution of the parliament and prefer to abstain from such step, stripping opposition parliament members of immunity instead.

On Monday, Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly stripped four parliament members of immunity upon the Supreme Court’s request. Jose Guerra, Rafael Guzman, Tomas Guanipa and Juan Pablo Garcia Canales are accused of “treason, usurping powers, public calls for unrest, violation of laws and violence.” The Constituent Assembly was established by Maduro in July 2017 without a preliminary referendum. There are no opposition representatives in the Constituent Assembly, and most Latin American countries do not recognize it as legitimate.