UK diplomats to quit EU institutions within days

UK diplomats will be ordered to leave the European Union’s decision-making bodies shortly in line with the new prime minister’s promise to use them elsewhere, local media said Monday.

“We are leaving the EU whatever the circumstances on 31 October. It therefore makes sense to review our attendance at EU meetings to make sure we are making the best use of government time”, a government spokesman was quoted as saying by the Guardian.

The move is being discussed by UK government officials, the newspaper said. There are reportedly some 150 UK diplomats lobbying for London in Brexit talks.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the country would pull out of the European Union in October “come what may,” raising prospects of a no-deal exit. He said that many officials were “trapped” in meetings in Brussels while their services were needed at home.

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in 2016. Since then, the withdrawal has been delayed several times due to the UK parliament repeatedly refusing the deal proposed by former Prime Minister Theresa May. Brussels has given London several deadline extensions to come up with a plan, with the latest one set on 31 October.