Iran: Lifting sanctions by US not enough to open talks

Referring to Iran’s Foreign Minister’s declared conditions for negotiation with the US , Member of Expediency Council Mirsalim said that the US should also pay the costs inflicted to Iran by sanction.

Iranian Foreign Minister said that if the US lifted sanctions the negotiations would be possible.

Referring to his statements, in an interview with Mehr News Agency, Seyyed Mostafa Mirsalim said lifting sanctions is not enough and the US also have to pay for the damages it has inflicted on Iran, if there is going to be negotiation between Iran and the US. 

Blocking Iran’s oil export, suspension many contracts with foreign companies due to US secondary sanctions which caused harm and damage to many industries in Iran, as well as preventing the import of essential commodities that have caused many humanitarian problems are among the damages that have been inflicted on Iran for the past year and a half by the US, he mentioned.

After US withdrawal from the deal in May 2018, Trump administration imposed several sanctions against Iran.

Recently, President of Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) said that despite the comments made by Brian h. Hook, Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to the US Secretary of State and other US administration officials who have claimed for several times that the United Sates sanctions regime doesn’t include food, medicine, medical devices, and agricultural products, the path to the arrival of specific drugs to Iran remains closed and Iran faces problems in importing of medicines and medical equipment due to the closure of currency accounts of Iran and the lack of money transfer.