Greta Thunberg has added more controversy to her name by posing in a T-shirt with radical left-wing Antifa movement imagery and calling for a national strike for the sake of climate.
16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, recently dubbed “Apocalypse Guru”, has sparked outrage by publishing a picture of herself wearing a shirt worn by members of the left-wing Antifa movement.
In one of her recent tweets, Thunberg notified her massive followship that she had released a song with the British indie pop band The 1975. All revenues will go to the climate movement Extinction Rebellion, which has made a name for itself by organising left-wing climate protests in Sweden and other countries.
“Time to rebel”, the Nobel Peace Prize nominee wrote, posting a photograph of herself wearing a shirt tagged “Antifascist All Stars”. Thunberg’s shirt is also adorned with a five-pointed star and No Pasaran caption, (“They Shall Not Pass”), a Spanish War-era slogan popular in left-wing circles.
T-shirts such as this one, alongside others with prints “Antifascist Action” and “Refugees Welcome” are sold in left-wing stores and are widely popular with the radical Antifa movement, associated with violent protests, threats and physical attacks.
Thunberg’s choice of attire has been widely criticised, with users poiting out that Antifa “beat the living s*** out of people” in the streets.