Germany: Thousands march through Munich for climate protest

Parents and scientists joined students in a protest in Munich on Sunday to demand faster government action on climate change.

The ‘Munich for Future’ protest – an offshoot of Swedish activist Greta Thunberg’s ‘Fridays for Future’ campaign – reportedly attracted over 10,000 people who gathered in the city centre. While the demonstrations are usually made up of mostly students, Sunday’s event saw the addition of protest groups ‘Parents for Future’ and ‘Scientists for Future,’ who marched alongside the pupils.

Protesters chanted “they are destroying our environment just for a bucket of money” and “Down with coal, up with climate protection” as they made their way through the city’s streets with placards and banners. Included in their demands is a tax on all greenhouses gases, as well as a complete carbon offset by 2035.

The ‘Fridays for Future’ strike movement came to prominence through the then 15-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who conducted a solitary protest outside the Swedish parliament in 2018. Since then, Thunberg has galvanised tens of thousands of students across the world to walk out of school on Fridays to demand stronger action from their governments on climate change.