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Final voter turnout at Ukrainian parliamentary election stands at 49.84%, the Central Election Commission (CEC) said on Sunday after counting protocols from all 199 electoral districts.
The highest voter turnout was registered in the Chernigov region, while the lowest — in the Zakarpatskaya region.
Snap parliamentary election in Ukraine was held on July 21. According to exit polls, the Servant of People party got 42.7-44.4% of votes, Opposition Platform for Life — 11.5-12.5%, European Solidarity — 8.5-8.9%, Yulia Timoshenko’s Batkivschina — 7.7-8.5%, and singer Svyatoslav Vakarchuk’s Voice — 6-6.5%.
Exit polls were conducted by 112 Ukraina TV channel, TSN TV channel, Kiev International Institute of Sociology, Ilk Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Fund and Aelxander Razumkov’s Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies.