Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the United States of employing “economic terrorism” in its dealings with several countries, speaking at a press conference during the Non-Aligned Movement meeting in Caracas on Saturday. “To achieve its illegitimate objectives, the United States government is using pressure against several countries. That is what we call economic terrorism,” Zarif said. “You in Venezuela are not the only country which is suffering and facing this policy of economic terrorism from the government of the United States,” Zarif said. “Your brothers in Cuba, in Iran, in Syria, and in other parts of the world, are facing this erroneous policy of the government of the United States.” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro spoke at the NAM meeting on Saturday, saying that “the form of domination, of exploitation, of aggression of empires” was the cause of the suffering of people. The NAM meeting is expected to take place on Saturday and Sunday. The Non-Aligned Movement includes two thirds of the world’s countries, who do not traditionally align with or against major power blocs, with its membership largely drawn from the developing world.