Former Ukrainian PM says no time for experiments

Leader of Ukraine’s Batkivshchina (or Fatherland) party Yulia Timoshenko has cast her ballot in a snap parliamentary election on Sunday.

“There is no time to spare on experiments, we really need to start working after the election”, – she told reporters.

“As you may know from Ukraine’s history, unfortunately, the nation made a mistake when choosing the leaders of the clan system and their puppets, – Timoshenko said. – We made such a big mistake that today, we have no more time for mistakes. I would like us all to vote with an understanding that Ukraine has no time to spare”.

According to recent opinion polls, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s Servant of the People party has a chance of winning the election with the support of 42.5% of voters. The Opposition Platform – For Life party is expected to come in second in the election, as 15.1% of voters were ready to cast their ballots in its favor. Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko’s European Solidarity party may come in third (8.1%) and Batkivshchina can take fourth place (7.6%). Other political forces are unlikely to get over the five percent threshold necessary to join parliament.