Greece: Kyrikos Mitsotakis’s new conservative cabinet sworn in

Greece’s new cabinet, led by newly elected Prime Minister Kyrikos Mitsotakis, was sworn in in the presence of the country’s high-ranking Orthodox clergy in Athens on Monday.

The members of the new cabinet swore the oath of office on the Bible in front of the Archbishop of Athens Ieronymos II, with President of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos attending. Many of the ministers’ relatives were also seen at the ceremony.

New Democracy won Sunday’s snap elections with 39.8 per cent of the vote and earned 158 seats in the 300-member parliament. Its main opponent, Tsipras’ Syriza, won 31.5 percent.

The new cabinet, formed by a mix of experienced politicians who already served in previous governments and technocrats, will convene for the first time on Wednesday.