Hong Kong braces itself for a third weekend of protests

Police in Hong Kong removed barricades early on Saturday morning while staff were able to go home, after more than a 15-hour blockade. But it was unclear whether further mass protests would take place.

Only a few hundred protesters remained out of the thousands who set up roadblocks and trapped vehicles outside the police headquarters on Friday, protesting against an unpopular extradition bill.

Millions of people, fearing an erosion of their freedoms, have clogged the streets of the Asian financial centre this month to rally against the bill, which would allow people to be extradited to the mainland to face trial in courts controlled by the Communist Party.

Opponents of the extradition bill fear the law could put them at the mercy of the mainland Chinese justice system.

It triggered the most violent protests in decades when police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowds.

On Friday, groups of mostly students wearing hard hats and goggles held a generally peaceful protest to demand that leader Carrie Lam, who promoted and then postponed the bill, scrap it altogether.