While the number of reported sex offences has been on the increase in recent decades, with 2018 being a peak year in rapes, a new report by the Swedish authorities has triggered strong criticism over alleged bias and the use of scientifically unsound methods.
A recent report by the Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Brå) has come under fire for failing to establish a connection between the 2015 migrant crisis and the steep increase in sex crimes, including rape. Among other things, the authority has been accused of doctoring the report to achieve the desired result.
Sarnecki pantar sin obefintliga trovärdighet med ett gravt metodfel genom att undersöka relationen mellan ”kommunmottagna”, eller ”inskrivna i mottagningssystem” och anmälda sexbrott i kommuner.
Detta är inte forskning, detta är en vanhedrade propaganda.https://t.co/aNRx12lKRi
— Hanif Bali (@hanifbali) May 28, 2019
Blogger Katerina Janouch called Brå’s report “concocted, meaningless and lying”.
Tweet: First picture: Finnish statistics of sex criminals’ ethnicity. Second picture: Danish statistics of sex criminals’ ethnicity. Third picture: Swedish Brå’s lies and comromising of women’s safety.