The latest attempts of the EU special services, politicians and mainstream media to find a “Russian trace” on the eve of the EP elections led to nothing.
They tried. They really tried.
Nevertheless, this did not stop attempts to overblow this theory:
This should not be a surprise. The campaign of current French president Emmanuel Macron in 2017 sometimes looked as if it was not going against political opponents, but against RT, who was repeatedly accused of spreading “fake news”, despite the fact that not a single example was failed to be cited so far.
Today, the Elysee Palace is challenging the coverage of the Yellow Vests protests, which last more than six months throughout France. It seems that for European media protests deserve news coverage only when they are occuring in Russia.
But the real turn of events about “Russian interference in the narrative” was kindly provided by the BBC in its article entitled: “Is Russia trying to sway the European elections?”. Let us reveal the secret for you right away, because the final answer to the BBC research is quietly buried in the middle of the report:
“Officials in Brussels are taking action against Russia’s alleged disinformation, at least since 2015, when the East Stratcom task force was created.”
So in essence, the EU has a working group to calm own paranoia – if there have been no attempts – what did they do then?
Let’s take another example from the article:
“Attempts have been made to hack and leak, or to denigrate particular politicians, or to misrepresent certain policies” – in fact, it is an admission that some politicians storm at “fake Russian news” when they do not like the coverage of them or their policies. It seems that this is the nature of modern political life.
The last example:
“[…] during the 2017 elections for the German Parliament […], right-wing nationalists were allegedly endorsed by Russia. And during French presidential elections in the same year, Kremlin-funded media outlets were accused of “spreading falsehoods” throughout the electoral campaign.”
Speaking of the 2017 election in Germany and the alleged intervention of Russia, the Washington Post writes the article with the bright title: “As Germans prepare to vote, a mystery grows: Where are the Russians?”
The final excerpts from the BBC article recognize this point of view and show how weak and desperate are the attempts to accuse the Russian media and RT of any dissatisfaction with the EU: “ The elections have featured prominently in media outlets funded by the Kremlin, including broadcaster RT and the Sputnik news agency.”
The BBC continues: “In their search for signs of Russian disinformation campaigns, experts have spotted evidence of similar attempts to deceive – emerging not from Kremlin-linked outlets, but from partisan groups based inside the EU.” And: “Perhaps Russia is tapping into this kind of Eurosceptic agenda and they have been doing that for a very long time.”
That is to say, the EU population is dissatisfied with the EU, and the Russian media simply cover what is happening.
“By focusing on [Russian disinformation], the European Commission is shifting the focus from the more pressing underlying political issues and that’s dangerous,” says Julia Rone, a researcher at Cambridge’s Department of Politics and International Studies. “There are people who are legitimately worried about economic inequality, about youth unemployment, and especially about immigration,” she says. “There’s a lot of mobilisation from the far-right all across Europe and it cannot be attributed simply to foreign agents.”
EU support among the population has never been strong, and now the majority thinks that the EU will cease to exist within 20 years. If you ever wondered why, this is your proof.
Meanwhile, across Germany there are initiatives on EU policy. You can not fail to notice that these elections to the European Parliament – from the waving flags of “Pulse of Europe” to posters from DGB (trade union confederation) and various advertising campaigns at railway stations. Even the Wahl-o-Mat voting application was advertised on LCD screens at Südkreuz station in Berlin.
But what about the election campaign itself?
Sometimes you need a stranger to point out problems. Benedict Neff of the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote an article entitled “Anstatt einen Wahlkampf zu führen, zelebrieren die deutschen Parteien die Europäische Union” (Instead of holding an election campaign, German parties celebrate the European Union). “The ideas of the future are Zukunft spielen dabei kaum eine Rolle” (ideas for the future hardly play a role), he continues.
Meanwhile, the election slogan makes sense only if someone can really disagree with it. And even worse, when the parties, which must be opponents, use almost identical empty slogans. The bottom line is that Der Postillon’s satirical site says: “Parteien fassungslos: Wahlplakate von Unbekannten durch inhaltsleere Nonsens-Poster ersetzt” (The shocked parties: strangers replace election posters with empty, meaningless posters). Die Partei’s satirical party also contributes – putting forward nonsense (BAföG auch für Katzen – Student Loans for Cats) and the icel criticism of Axel Voss MEP and the reform of the digital copyright of the CDU in Brussels.
The majority of the Germans does not know any of the candidates running for the European Parliament. Die Welt summarizes the survey of the best candidates – AfD Meuten is best known because he is the chairman of this party. Despite the fact that Barley’s face appears on virtually every SPD election poster throughout the country, only a third of Germans know who she is. Weber is not only the main candidate for CSU, but also the EP Spitzenkandidat in the EU, but only a quarter of Germans know him. In 2014, there was more interest (and more posters) for Jean-Claude Juncker than for Weber! Ratings of candidates in the FDP, Die Linke and Greens are even worse.
Even the population of Germany is tired and has ceased to see any sense in supporting this farce. Interest in the EP elections has never been so low.
I have long been perplexedly watching the Brexit epic. Why is it so hard for Britain to leave the EU? Why is the essence and purpose of the negotiations still so unclear?
We cannot discount the role of the British ruling class in deterring this unconditionally democratic process. The elite never wanted the country to leave the EU. Their goal, moral obligation is full control, despite the fact that their actions undermine people’s faith in the democratic institutions they supposedly represent.
If you open the Wikipedia article on Brexit, you will see that it is read as pure propaganda material against Brexit. This is so one-sided and extremist text on the website that has the audacity to call itself an encyclopedia. After reading this “article” you can quite believe that the British economy will collapse at the same second as the country leaves the EU. You might think that the British economy was not the most powerful and prosperous economy in the world long before the EU was even conceived as a concept. In the end, in any case, I came to the conclusion that the main reason Brexit did not materialize, the main reason that the process was so long, difficult and fruitless, is because this is what the EU bureaucrats want.
The corrupt bureaucrats from Brussels do not just want to punish the UK for leaving the EU, they want to make the process so complicated and painful that no other European nation will even think about it again. After all, the EU has always been a fundamentally anti-democratic institution.
The EU is money, hypercapitalism and greed for power – and the people who support it are cursed forever.
Since the victory of Brexit in the referendum – the victory of ordinary British over their exploitative, half-lingering, anti-white rulers – the EU has outwitted the British government at every turn. They understand that the UK government is a puppet government of cultural Marxism, controlled by bankers and oligarchs, and the EU has adopted a strategy of inflicting maximum economic pain from day one — hitting their wallets.
Money is the only language these people speak. The UK has tried to negotiate with people in terms of principles and fear — carrots and sticks — with people who do not care about principles and morals — and are masters in using fear for their own benefit.
Such a bargaining position was doomed to failure from the very beginning. Brexit is a pretext for destruction, revenge for the attempt on the power of the faceless bureaucrats who spread their tentacles over Europe and strangling it in an attempt to destroy.
Written by Paul Char